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JOIN US "Costing for Currency"

Interactive Video Training

Learn how to successfully cost your fashion line for maximum profit!



Easy-to-understand Training

Will Increase Your Level With

Access to Knowledge & Professional Tools

Principles of Costing

Pricing Strategies

Financial Vocabulary

Sales Projections



There’s no need to go to school or hire an expensive financial consultant to understand the costs associated with building your fashion line. Learn the important concepts quickly, and save money by bringing in the right advisors to your business and minimize their time spent bringing you up to speed!




Costing Overview

Learn how to become confident at costing your line. We’ll guide you through the process - one step at a time.  You'll get strategies on selecting the right selling price to avoid losing money!  You'll be quickly be on your way to building momentum, one style at a time!

Costing Terms

Learn the language of finance and gain confidence when negotiating terms with your sewing contractors and vendors to ensure that your costs are where they need to be. Knowing this allows you to be perceived as a professional and makes a huge difference in your business.

Pricing Strategy

Learn how to price your garments for wholesale and retail, and how that differs from online pricing. We set you up to make sure you are covered for both scenarios. This is often overlooked and can prove to be a major problem down the road if you don't apply the correct strategy for your business model.

Costing References

You'll learn techniques on how to calculate the real costs for elements such as embroidery, ribbon, and other trims. This helps to make sure your materials don't come up short in production or that you don't under charge your customers because of mis-calculations.

Sales Projections

Discover how to determine the number of units to produce and how the costs and profit are affected at varying levels. This is vital to understand because your production costs will differ with as your production quantities change and most people have no idea on how to handle this.

Action Steps!

We leave you with the Exact Steps on what to do next to ensure that you are well armed with the tools to be successful. We are here to help you with direction, knowledge, and hand holding as necessary for your success:)


Bruce Walters

  • Bruce has worked with many small and large companies and has built his consulting business with over 20 years of experience.

  • He has experience in building business infrastructure from setting up offices to team building and the systems that keep everything together.

  • He has expertise in the design, tech, financial and production areas of fashion and business!

  • He has also taught at fashion schools in Los Angeles and has offered internships and employment opportunities for fashion students.

  • He teaches using a multidimensional approach, drawing from many areas including marketing, sales, design, engineering, tech, financial, and production. The result is you have a much stronger foundation that allows you to run your business with a higher chance of success!


    Join the "Costing for Currency" Training today for just $297.

  • ACCESS: The online trainings are available to you anytime, anywhere and on any device that has an internet connection!

  • SPEED: This program is designed to follow our examples as you work through your styles. We've structured the training in an order that allows you to move quickly through each piece of the puzzle to completion.  Without having to think about what to do, in what order, and what forms to use, you are able to complete each task in the project as a whole, very quickly and efficiently.

  • EFFICIENCY: This easy to follow training is set up with smaller, digestible sections that you can enjoy one at a time. It will keep you interested, engaged, and energized so that you can get more done in other areas of your business...each hour, day, month, and year!

  • PROVEN SYSTEM: This training program, and others that we have developed, have gone through a process that spans over two decades and 40,000 hours of fashion industry experience. 

    1 - We worked through the challenges years ago so you can benefit TODAY!

    2 - We've learned how to create our training products and simplify them so they are easy to understand!

    3 - Our training program has been tested and continuously improved as our consulting clients have had success with it over a seven year testing period. It is now being offered to YOU with confidence so that you may be able to benefit from it TODAY!

  • FREEDOM:  Many people have stress associated with numbers and finances, or just not knowing how it works in the apparel industry.

    We've already built, tested, and perfected the online training architecture (into the form of a beautiful hi-rise building) so we can give you the polished version to ENJOY so you can reap the rewards of our hard work!  

    We've invested the past 20 years in the industry to bring you something that very few, if any, have brought to the industry in the way that we do it - and we are so very happy to invite you into our world. 

    Give yourself a chance to be free with your fast track to knowledge & experience as your fashion line comes to life up, just the way that you've envisioned!  The goal is to leave you energized with applied knowledge and we believe in business, it is your right to have that FREEDOM!



    I had industry experience as a fashion designer, but really needed help with costing; the financial part was a big issue for me. All of these little things that I couldn’t figure out on my own were totally provided for me! I feel really excited that I got to this point :)

    Allison Altschuler

    The training gave me an understanding of how to provide value & affordability to customers! Doing the initial groundwork correctly gave me clarity. This is very intuitive, and great for anyone interested in the fashion business!

    Damy Adesanya

    They're like your personal trainer. Instead of looking at the whole process, you’re achieving goals in  manageable steps, so it's easier to conquer! Without them, I probably would've spent more money and have lost a lot more time!

    Noel Hernandez

    They helped me put the brakes on my design ideas to lay down the foundation for my brand. So I know what the price points are and what type of store I want to sell.  When I did get into designing..., everything was so much clearer! That part of it Was HUGE!

    Angie Becker

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